Able to grow up to 3 feet in length, the coconut crab is the largest land-living arthropod on the planet. During the day these animals stay hidden in underground burrows or rock crevices. While hiding, these crabs will close the entrance to their burrow to protect themselves from predators and maintain the moist environment they need to survive.
Choloepus didactylus These nocturnal herbivores’ slow pace and algae-toned fur make them difficult for predators to spot. They sleep 20 hours a day hanging…
Ocyphaps lophotes Crested pigeons make a distinct whistling sound when startled into flight but with noisy wings, not voices. Each wing has a modified…
Crotalus scutulatus The mojave rattlesnake is a medium-sized rattlesnake that is often confused with the western diamondback as they both have similar patterns and…