Reticulated Python

Malayopython reticulatus Reticulated pythons are constrictors, meaning they wrap around their prey and squeeze until it’s dead. Using this ability, they can take down and consume prey as large as […]

Desert Blonde Tarantula

Aphonopelma chalcodes As burrowing spiders, they dig a hole and place webbing across the entrance to hide during the day. This burrow also provides shelter during the winter when the […]

Blessed Poison Dart Frog

Ranitomeya benedicta Before mating, the male finds a spot suited to caring for eggs, then chirps to attract a female. When the female approves of the male and location, she […]

Butterfly Splitfin

Ameca splendens This fish gets its name from the black and yellow markings on the male’s tail fin. Common in captivity, these fish are almost extinct in the wild. Their […]

Smoky Jungle Frog

Leptodactylus pentadactylus When threatened, they can secrete toxic mucus from their skin. If people touch this mucus, it can cause skin rashes, stinging sensations, eye swelling, and sneezing. For small […]

Brown Sand Boa

Eryx johnii Their very blunt tail looks similar to their head and helps confuse predators. When feeling threatened, they coil up and hide their head under their body. Then they […]

Arrau Giant South American River Turtle

Podocnemis expansa One of the largest species of freshwater turtle, the females can weigh up to 100 pounds. Like sea turtles, they return to lay eggs on the same sandbank […]

Yellow-Spotted Amazon River Turtle

Podocnemis unifilis These side-necked turtles don’t pull their head straight into their shell. Instead, they curve their neck and tuck it between their front legs. These turtles are diurnal, meaning […]

Jamaican Boa

Chilabothrus subflavus Without this semi-arboreal predator, the island of Jamaica’s farming industry would be overrun with rats and mice. Bats found on the island are another favorite prey item. Hanging […]