The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.




Tulsa Zoo Rules

  • By entering the Tulsa Zoo, you agree to follow all applicable laws and zoo rules.
  • To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all of our guests, and the safety of our animals and staff, please respect the following rules:

Bags, coolers and other personal items

  • Limit the items you bring on grounds to anything you will need for your visit.
  • Guests are welcome to bring their own food and drinks during their visit, however, alcoholic beverages (unless purchased at the Zoo) and any glass containers or bottles are prohibited.
  • All persons, bags, parcels, clothing, and other items may be subject to screening/security checks at the entrances and also within the grounds. We reserve the right not to allow any bag, parcel, or other item to be brought into the Zoo, and to deal with any unattended object in such ways as we consider appropriate.

Dress code

  • Dress for the weather. Guests can expect to spend a substantial amount of time standing and walking outdoors.
  • Proper attire, including shoes and shirts must be worn at all times. We reserve the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that we consider inappropriate or attire that could detract from the experience of other guests.
  • There are specific costume guidelines for special events such as Halloween parties; please refer to the policy on the website’s event page.

Smoking/Tobacco Products

  • Restrict smoking to designated spaces outside of the Zoo.
  • By state law and for the comfort of all guests and animals, smoking of any kind (including e-cigarettes or other products that produce a vapor or smoke) is not allowed. Guests may leave the zoo to smoke. Reentry will only be provided if exiting guests obtain hand stamps provided at the Information Building.


  • Leave pets at home.
  • Dogs (except for service dogs as described below) or other animals of any kind (including emotional support or service animals) are prohibited on grounds. Please be mindful of the danger of leaving pets in your vehicle while visiting our park.

Service Dogs

  • Service dogs are allowed on Zoo grounds with the exception of the gated Contact Yard inside of the Children’s Zoo.
  • Check in at the Information Building to review specific requirements regarding your service dog, and to register your service dog if qualified under the guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Under certain circumstances, we reserve the right to prevent a service animal from entering the Zoo, to limit the locations within the Zoo where the service animal may accompany a guest, or to require that a service animal be removed (although the guest accompanied by the animal may remain). Other animals which may be trained to perform services (including miniature horses), or animals providing emotional support, are not permitted. If you have any questions, please contact the Zoo prior to your visit.


  • Let us know if you have concerns about being included in Zoo photography/videography.
  • By visiting the Zoo, you acknowledge and consent to our photographing filming videotaping, recording or otherwise reproducing your image and/or voice (or that of any minor for whom you serve as legal guardian) and using the same for any purpose without payment.
  • Take pictures and video for personal use in public areas using natural light, and in a way that doesn’t interrupt the Zoo experience for other guests or cause alarm or injury to our animals.
  • Commercial photography and commercial use of photographs or video taken by you during your visit are prohibited without prior written consent of Tulsa Zoo Management, Inc. Contact (918) 669-6612 for more information.

Outside Objects

Some outside objects are prohibited on grounds because they are restricted by federal or state statute or regulation, and/or because they may pose a threat to our animals and/or guests and staff. The following items are not permitted on Zoo grounds:

  • Recreational devices such as drones, remote control toys, flying discs, balls, kites, skateboards, scooters, inline skates, bicycles, or shoes with built-in wheels
  • Consumption of marijuana or any illegal substance is not permitted on Zoo grounds
  • Laser pointers, unless used for meetings contracted through our private events department
  • Weapons of any kind (unless otherwise permitted by these guidelines)
  • Objects that appear to be weapons, including toy weapons
  • Balloons, confetti, piñatas, silly string, glitter, streamers, or any other similar material that may become airborne
  • Other items that we determine may be harmful or disruptive to guests, staff or animals

Barriers and Fencing

Remain on public pathways at all times. Never cross barriers, climb fencing or attempt to enter exhibits.

  • Sticking arms/fingers through fences or other barriers and climbing on or over exhibit handrails or fencing (including placing children in such a manner) is considered trespassing. Anyone found in violation may be required to leave the zoo immediately without refund, denied future entry and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Additional Safety Information
  • Open carry firearms are prohibited on Zoo grounds. Concealed handguns as permitted by state law are allowed on Zoo grounds. No rifles or long guns permitted. Law enforcement agents with firearms must check in at the Information Building.
  • Self-propelled baby strollers may not be engaged. Children may not pedal child propelled strollers.
  • We reserve the right to deny admission, or to require a person already admitted to leave the Zoo, without refund, liability or compensation if we consider the circumstances so require, including but not limited to the following circumstances:
  • Not showing common courtesy to other guests, staff and our animals by using profanity or engaging in unsafe, illegal, disruptive or offensive behavior. This includes threatening, abusive or insulting words or behavior or any act which provokes a breach of the peace.
  • Feeding or attempting to feed/contact any of the animals (including wild animals on Zoo property such as squirrels, Canada geese, ducks, etc.), except for where such feeding/contact is part of an organized event or experience.
  • Refusing to remove a service animal when asked to do so by staff.
  • Harassment in any form toward the animals including wild animals on grounds, other guests, or our staff.
  • Failing to follow written or verbal instructions of our staff or directions of each area or attraction at the Zoo, or behaving in a manner that may endanger the safety of any person, other visitors, staff or animals at the Zoo.
  • Being on or near the railroad tracks at places other than crossings or placing any object on the tracks.
  • Removing anything from Zoo grounds that belongs to the Zoo such as décor items, plants, signage, Zoo wagons and strollers.
  • Distribution or display of unapproved printed or recorded materials.
  • The sale of goods or services, or the display of goods or services for sale, if not authorized by the Zoo.
  • Swimming, wading, or engaging in activities on Zoo ponds or any other bodies of water on grounds.
  • Cutting, picking, damaging or disturbing any tree, shrub, flower, planting or flower bed.
  • Making a fire in any area or facility.
  • Using any portion of any facility for toilet or sanitary purposes, except the public restrooms or comfort stations provided.
  • Digging, burying, erecting, building, uncovering, placing or removing any object or excavation of any kind.
  • Storing any materials or equipment of any kind without the approval of the Zoo.
Assumption of Risk & Release of Liability
By entering the premises of and/or participating in activities provided by the Tulsa Zoo (the “Activities”), which is owned by the City of Tulsa and managed by Tulsa Zoo Management, Inc. (“TZMI”), you–on behalf of yourself, any minors or others under your care who are participating in the Activities–acknowledge that you are voluntarily participating in the Activities with knowledge that the Activities may be dangerous and involve the risk of serious injury and/or death and/or property damage; such risks include without limitation hazards associated with attractions, water features, weather, other individuals, and animals, as well as walking or traveling on pathways or Tulsa Zoo grounds or wet or slippery surfaces. YOU RELEASE TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, NOW KNOWN OR HEREAFTER KNOWN, AGAINST TZMI, THE CITY OF TULSA, AND ITS AND THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS, AGENTS, AFFILIATES, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS ARISING OUT OF OR ATTRIBUTABLE TO YOUR PRESENCE AT THE TULSA ZOO OR PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES.
Please Note
The Tulsa Zoo may from time to time, without prior notice and without refund, liability or compensation, change the operating hours of the Zoo or attractions, close the Zoo or any part of it temporarily, restrict the number of persons having access to the Zoo, and/or suspend or cancel any attraction or entertainment program if we consider that the circumstances so require. Not every animal listed when you visit the Zoo may be able to be seen, and their locations are subject to change. The Zoo does not issue rain checks or refunds, but we invite you to come back and visit us again as the seasons and experience are ever-changing.

The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.

My Zoo Visit

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