Yellow-Footed Tortoise
Chelonoidis denticulata Over-hunting is the greatest threat to these turtles. Not only are they a delicacy, but they’re considered a “fish” and eaten at times when people avoid eating red […]
Miniature Horse
Equus ferus The designation “miniature horse” is determined by the height of the animal, which, depending on the breed, is usually less than 34-38 inches. While miniature horses are sometimes […]
Tentacled Snake
Erpeton tentaculatum It lives the majority of its life in murky water, able to stay underwater for up to 30 minutes without coming up for air. It is the only […]
Indian Python
Python molurus Reaching an average of 9 feet in length, this constrictor can grow to over 100 lbs. Many snakes abandon eggs after laying, but this constrictor is an attentive […]
Eastern Indigo Snake
Drymarchon couperi After hatching, young indigo snakes move to low wetland areas and feed on small lizards, frogs and toads. Adults prey upon small mammals, birds, and snakes, with a […]
Hogg Island Boa
Boa constrictor Slender and pale, they exhibit dwarfism traits and will rarely grow to lengths beyond 6 feet. A genetic trait called “hypomelanism” reduces the amount of dark pigment present […]
Philippine Sailfin Lizard
Hydrosaurus pustulatus When threatened, it will dive from the branches to the safety of the water. Both venues provide this omnivore with plenty to eat, including fruit, insects, small fish, […]
Green Anaconda
Eunectes murinus While slow on land, they are fast and agile in the water that buoy their weight. Animals fleeing predators seek refuge in the water where hidden anaconda wait; […]
Plumed Basilisk
Basiliscus plumifrons These lizards spend most of the day foraging on the ground, then climb into the trees at night to sleep. When scared, they can run on water for […]