Elephants are the largest land mammal in the world. They can weigh as much as two vans filled with people. With thousands of muscles and tendons, elephants’ trunks are incredibly strong and flexible! They can carry heavy loads, like logs, or pick-up a single flower. Trunks also help them reach areas where their large bodies cannot fit.
Ursus arctos horribilis The grizzly bear has a stable and sustainable population in the North American wild. However, among the many factors affecting their…
Ptilinopus melanospilus Females and juveniles have only green feathers. Males carry the namesake black nape in addition to grey and yellow head feathers and…
Himantopus himantopus mexicanus As ground nesters, Black-necked stilts guard their young in a variety of ways. They will distract predators by pretending to be…