Though not as toxic as other poison dart frogs, this species is one of the largest and loudest of its kind. Despite its name, not all frogs of this species are yellow. Black spots and bands vary between individuals and some frogs may be orange. These are the only poison dart frogs known to aestivate (enter a hibernation-like state) when it is too hot or dry.
Choloepus didactylus These nocturnal herbivores’ slow pace and algae-toned fur make them difficult for predators to spot. They sleep 20 hours a day hanging…
Leptodactylus pentadactylus When threatened, they can secrete toxic mucus from their skin. If people touch this mucus, it can cause skin rashes, stinging sensations,…
Pecari tajacu Neither pig nor razorback, this omnivore’s razor-sharp tusks inspired its nickname, the javelina (have-a-LEE-nah), referring to a javelin or spear. Unable to…