Your Mission: Support Ours
Ice enrichment is a fun part of the summer experience for our animals. Our care teams freeze water into healthy popsicles of all shapes and sizes to make engaging ice treats that encourage enjoyable activity for our animals. This June through August, guests have the special opportunity to participate in Mission ImPopsicle, a unique chance to donate to the Tulsa Zoo and connect with your favorite animals as they lick, chew or stare at their cool ice creations!
This summer, our goal is to raise $15,000 for our operating fund by National Cherry Popsicle Day, Aug. 26.
Giving is a treat, and your $5 donation supports the Tulsa Zoo. Donate $5, $50 or even $500 and come see the animals you love enjoying their summer popsicles on July 27 in celebration of Mission ImPopsicle!
Popsicles will also be available on July 27 and August 10 from Frio’s Gourmet Pops in the circle drive.
Special Enrichment Date
July 27
Enrichment Schedule:
9:30 a.m.:
- American Flamingos
- Grizzly Bears
- Malayan Tigers
10:00 a.m.:
- Asian Elephants
10:30 a.m.:
- Hyacinth Macaws
- Southern Ground Hornbills
- Snow Leopards
- Sea Lions
- Chimpanzees
- Southern White Rhinos
1:30 p.m.:
- African Penguins
- Black and White Ruffed Lemurs
- Giraffes

Mission ImPopsicle is a weather-dependent event. Tulsa Zoo does not guarantee animal visibility or participation.