Despite its name, this frog actually comes in a variety of colors. Its colorations include either a blue, green, or yellow with black or brown spots and bands. Poison dart frogs are not naturally poisonous but gain their toxicity from small insects they consume. Toxins accumulate within the frog’s body and are exuded through its skin, making it poisonous to touch.
Boa constrictor Slender and pale, they exhibit dwarfism traits and will rarely grow to lengths beyond 6 feet. A genetic trait called “hypomelanism” reduces…
Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Related to our native woodpeckers, this colorful barbet is found in the semi-arid brush country of eastern Africa where they tunnel their…
Chauna torquata Screamers are the “guard birds” of their habitats; their trumpet-like calls can carry for several miles, warning other birds of approaching danger….