Burmese Brown Tortoise
Manouria emys The largest tortoise on the Asian mainland, this species prefers rainy habitats where the humidity remains high. Although not particularly social, the males will showcase aggressive behavior and […]
Bearded Barbet
Pogonornis dubius Barbets are closely related to Toucans, and more distantly to Woodpeckers. No living birds have teeth. However, this species has prehistoric-looking saw-like edges on their beak to help […]
Eastern Box Turtle
Terrapene carolina carolina While young, these turtles are primarily carnivorous. As they grow older they begin to eat more plants and fruits. Vivid orange and yellow markings make this species […]
Dyeing Poison Dart Frog
Dendrobates tinctorius These frogs will typically lay their eggs on land on broad leaves. Once laid, the male takes charge of watching and taking care of the eggs. After the […]
Northern Two-Striped Walkingstick
Anisomorpha ferruginea These wingless insects use their shape and color as camouflage to hide from predators. The much smaller males are sometimes found riding on the backs of the females. […]
White Stork
Ciconia ciconia White storks migrate farther than any other stork. Huge groups travel together and can be found at narrow water crossings every spring. These stately birds are famous for […]
Sunburst Diving Beetle
Thermonectus marmoratus A bubble of air collected and stored under their wings allows these beetles to stay underwater for extended periods. Thanks to flash floods which are common in the […]
Coconut Crab
Birgus latro Able to grow up to 3 feet in length, the coconut crab is the largest land-living arthropod on the planet. During the day these animals stay hidden in […]
Seba’s Short-Tailed Bat
Carollia perspicillata