The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.




HallowZOOeen Rules and Costume Guidelines

HallowZOOeen is a family-friendly event and costumes must be appropriate. While we encourage guests to dress up in the spirit of the event, we value safety for all in attendance. The following guidelines are in place to ensure everyone has a spooktacular experience.
  • Tulsa Zoo reserves the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that is considered inappropriate or attire that could detract from the experience of other guests.
  • Costumes must be family-friendly and may not be obstructive, offensive, objectionable, or violent.
  • Any guest in non-family-friendly masks or makeup may not be allowed in the zoo or asked to remove their mask or makeup at the event if deemed inappropriate by zoo staff.
  • Costumes may not contain any realistic looking weapons that could easily be mistaken for an actual weapon. This may include toy swords, knives, guns, etc.
  • Costumes may not contain sharp objects, pointed objects, or materials that could potentially strike another guest.
  •  Guests who do not adhere to these guidelines may be refused entry into, and/or removed from the event unless his or her costume can be modified to meet the above standards.
  • The Tulsa Zoo cannot hold any items for guests at the Admissions Office. Please leave all unsecured or restricted items in your personal vehicle or at home.

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The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.

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