The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.




The Hardesty Gem Dig and Sluice Reopens

The Tulsa Zoo is welcoming guests to dig up some family fun at the Hardesty Gem Dig and Sluice from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.* this weekend (9/5-9/7) with key changes to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19. *weather dependant

Hardesty Gem Dig and Sluice is a self-guided learning experience where guests may take home what they find. Try your hand at cracking a geode, digging up treasure, or panning for gems at the sluice.

When you dig, you don’t usually think clean, but we do. For your safety, we are increasing the cleaning protocol with Ultraviolet LED sterilization of the Gem Dig and Sluice.
Additional safety measures include:
– Allowing only three groups into the fenced Hardesty Gem Dig and Sluice; one group at each section
– Every participant will receive cleaned mining tools
– Hand sanitizer provided for guest use

Gem dig bags are $4 members, $5 non-members. Sluice options include seashells, gems, and more for $5-$8 per person members, $6-$10 per person non-member

The Tulsa Zoo’s priority is to keep all within our gates healthy and safe while providing a fun and educational environment. We are following all state and local guidelines to safeguard against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Learn how we are #CaringForYourHerd at

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The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.

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