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Tulsa Zoo Announces Giraffe Calf Birth

A female giraffe calf is doing well after being born at the Tulsa Zoo yesterday afternoon. The calf was born to mother, Zoe, and father, Hekaya, through Tulsa Zoo’s ongoing participation in the Association of Zoos & Aquariums Giraffe Species Survival Plan®.


“Both mother and calf are doing well and being closely monitored by our animal care and veterinary staff,” said Tulsa Zoo Zoological Curator of Mammals Jordan Piha. “We’re watching for some important early milestones, but so far the calf appears healthy and strong.”


The first important milestone after birth for the calf is to stand. Zoe’s calf stood only 30 minutes after being born. It is also latching and nursing well, which is another important milestone.


“We have also been watching the calf’s interactions closely with both her mother and the herd,” said Piha. “Zoe is a very attentive first-time mother, who instinctively began tending to her calf. The herd has also shown a great amount of curiosity toward the calf as it started exploring the reserve yard.”

Zoe and her calf will often be visible in the reserve yard and the Osage Casino and Hotel Giraffe Barn, but at times may be in other areas of the barn as the calf learns to move through the different sections of the facility.

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