

Tulsa Zoo Home to Historic Litter of Malayan Tiger Cubs

The birth of five Malayan tiger cubs at Tulsa Zoo increased the North American population by 10 percent. All five cubs are thriving, a rarity for this critically endangered species and believed to be a first for a litter this size among accredited zoos.
Litters are literally a numbers game; having multiples increases the likelihood of at least one surviving offspring. Threats in the wild include predation, injury, health and competition for resources. While cubs in human care have the benefit of intervention, large litters still face challenges, such as the mother’s ability to produce enough milk consistently for each cub. 
Tulsa Zoo previously announced the birth of five critically endangered Malayan tiger cubs to mom Ava and father Raja overnight Aug. 8 and 9. The zoo’s care team worked to give all five cubs the best chance of survival. 
“Each day we weighed the cubs, and completed health checks and supplemental feedings,” says Curator of Mammals at Tulsa Zoo Jordan Piha. “The opportunity to visually inspect the cubs, monitor their progress and intervene if necessary is paramount.”
Veterinary and keeper staff work collaboratively in a way that is least disruptive to the developing bond between mother and cubs. They take a cue from natural behaviors when establishing protocol. For example, tigers in the wild will briefly leave their cubs to defecate to ensure the smell doesn’t attract predators. Zoo staff create opportunities for the cub’s mother to shift away for short periods of time.
“Ava’s trust in us with her cubs as she willingly shifted away is a testament to our zoo’s commitment to the wellbeing of the animals in our care,” Piha says.
Tulsa Zoo is a long-time partner with the Association of Zoos & Aquariums Malayan Tiger Species Survival Plan. Through this program, accredited zoos work together to ensure a sustainable population of these animals in AZA care.
“Tulsa Zoo’s success with this litter of Malayan tiger cubs truly showcases the zoo’s excellent animal care team, their animal management plan and their continued work with the AZA’s Malayan Tiger Species Survival Plan,” said Dan Ashe, president and CEO of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. “Together, Tulsa Zoo, along with other AZA-accredited zoos, are helping to ensure the survival of these majestic animals.”
Malayan tigers are native to the Malay Peninsula and are the national animal of Malaysia. They are critically endangered with fewer than 150 in the wild due to threats such as habitat loss and poaching. Currently, there are 55 Malayan tigers in AZA facilities, Tulsa Zoo cares for nine.
“The survival of these five cubs is a major milestone for the critically endangered Malayan tiger population,” said Piha. “When building the Lost Kingdom Complex, it was our goal to establish a successful breeding program to help conserve this amazing species for years to come. We are thankful to our donors that made this complex a reality. This historic litter is that vision come to life.”

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