

White Rhino Calf Name Announced

Tulsa Zoo Announces White Rhino Calf Name TULSA, Okla. (Dec. 07, 2021) – Tulsa Zoo announced Hodari, which is pronounced Ha-Dar-ee, as the name of the newly born male white rhino calf. Hodari is a Swahili name meaning brave or courageous. The name was selected by the trustees of Chapman Foundations Management, LLC whose donation made the Mary K. Chapman Rhino Reserve possible. Hodari is the first white rhino calf to be born at the Tulsa Zoo. He was born on Nov. 07, 2021, at 12:24 p.m. and weighed 127 pounds. He was taking his first steps within an hour and nursing after two hours, both healthy signs. “We’re thrilled to watch Hodari grow and thrive at Tulsa Zoo,” said Tulsa Zoo President and CEO Lindsay Hutchison. “He has been exploring his new surroundings and reaching many milestones under the careful watch of our staff. After only a few weeks, he’s already more than 200 pounds!” Hodari and his mother Sally are visible to guests on warm days in the Mary K. Chapman Rhino Reserve yard. White rhinos are classified as Near Threatened with fewer than 20,000 left in the wild. For more information about Tulsa Zoo, visit www.tulsazoo.org. Media Contacts: Carissa Hon (918) 669-6206 Nick Walters (918) 669-6639 ### About the Tulsa Zoo The Tulsa Zoo is Green Country’s largest paid daily attraction. The zoo is owned by the City of Tulsa and managed by Tulsa Zoo Management, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. For more information about the Tulsa Zoo, visit www.tulsazoo.org or call (918) 669-6600. Follow @TulsaZoo on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. Accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums.

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