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White Rhino Pregnancy

Media Contacts Carissa Hon (918) 669-6206 Nick Walters (918) 669-6639

Tulsa Zoo Announces Rhino Pregnancy

TULSA, Okla. (Aug. 26, 2021) – Tulsa Zoo has an exciting announcement – female White Rhino, Sally, is pregnant. It is estimated Sally is due in the fall of 2021. This will be the first rhino born at Tulsa Zoo. Sally came to Tulsa Zoo during October 2020 from another AZA-accredited facility called The Wilds in Cumberland, Ohio. Tulsa Zoo staff recently noticed physical changes in Sally that suggested a possible pregnancy. An ultrasound conducted by Tulsa Zoo veterinary staff confirmed the pregnancy.   “When we built the Mary K. Chapman Rhino Reserve we wanted to create an environment that supports adaptability to the needs of rhinos at all life stages and sustainability of the white rhino population in AZA Zoos,” said Tulsa Zoo Zoological Curator of Mammals Jordan Piha. “We’re excited to see those plans become reality with the announcement of Sally’s pregnancy.” The White Rhino gestation period is between 16 and 18 months, meaning Sally was pregnant when she arrived at Tulsa Zoo. The calf’s father, Kengele, is Sally’s previous mate at The Wilds, and they received a breeding recommendation through the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Species Survival Plan® (SSP). This program works to ensure a sustainable population of these animals in AZA care. Sally has a future breeding recommendation with Tulsa Zoo male White Rhino Rudo. White Rhinos are classified as Near Threatened with less than 20,000 left in the wild. This will be Sally’s fourth calf.

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